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Hey there, book friend!

I’m Nikita.

My husband once asked me “If you had just a few hours left to live, and couldn't reach out to friends or family, what would you do?”

My answer came without a second thought: "I'd pour myself a glass of wine and dive into a book."

Apparently, your response to that question reveals your life's true purpose, and that's how the idea for this blog was born.

Reading has always been a big part of my life, and books have always been my friends.

Today, I'm excited to share this passion with you so we can talk about our favourite reads, gush over our favourite characters, and tell each other spooky, fantasy, mystery, thrilling, and so many more stories.

I’m so happy to have you here.

Deep Sea Horror Books: What You Need to Know Before You Dive In
Horror, Thriller 🌙 Nikita | Books Reviews + Books Recommendations Horror, Thriller 🌙 Nikita | Books Reviews + Books Recommendations

Deep Sea Horror Books: What You Need to Know Before You Dive In

Do you ever wonder about the ocean’s floor, sea monsters, the mariana trench and what happens when all these things combined lead to a disaster? Welcome to Deep Sea Horror! Discover everything there is to know about this terror/thriller sub-genre that will make you grateful you are on solid ground.

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