13 Splatterpunk Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down.


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13 Splatterpunk Books You Won’t Be Able to Put Down.

In the shadowy realm of horror fiction, there exists a subgenre that thrives on pushing boundaries, leaving readers with a visceral sense of shock and awe.

It's called "splatterpunk," and it's not for the faint of heart.

This subgenre revels in graphic violence, explicit gore, and disturbing themes, offering a relentless descent into the darkest corners of the human psyche.

If you're looking for a genre that doesn't pull punches and dares to challenge the norms of horror, splatterpunk is your unsettling journey into the macabre.

In this blog post, I invite you to explore the gruesome and thought-provoking world of splatterpunk.

We'll delve into what defines this subgenre, and you'll discover a comprehensive list of the best splatterpunk books, carefully curated to provide you with a reading experience that's bound to leave you both horrified and captivated.

So, whether you're a seasoned horror enthusiast or simply curious about the extreme fringes of literary expression, fasten your seatbelt.

This article will take you on a dark and twisted journey through the annals of splatterpunk, where blood, guts, and existential dread await.

Brace yourself, and let's dive into the terrifying world of splatterpunk literature.

⚠️ Heads up!

Please note that the books recommended in this article are for a mature audience. They contain explicit content and graphic violence that may not be suitable for all readers.

Always check for trigger warnings before picking up a book to ensure that you’re mentally prepared for the content within.



  • Splatterpunk: A Literary Rebellion of the 1980s and 1990s

  • Exquisite Corpse - Poppy x. Britt

  • Gone to see the river man - Kristopher Triana

  • Billy Silver - Daniel J. Volpe

  • Playground - Aron Beauregard (is it available?)

  • The Slob - Aron Beauregard

  • Off Season - Jack Ketchum

  • Toxic Love - Kristopher Triana

  • A Foreign Evil - Carver Pike

  • Plastic Monsters Daniel J. Volpe

  • The Summer I died - Ryan C. Thomas

  • Survivor - JF Gonzales

  • No one rides for free - Judith Sonnet

  • Woom - Duncan Ralston


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Splatterpunk: A Literary Rebellion of the 1980s and 1990s

Emerging as a subgenre of horror fiction in the 1980s and 1990s, Splatterpunk bore the indelible marks of counterculture movements from that era. It surfaced as a provocative response to the subtleties of psychologically driven horror tales that had long dominated the literary landscape.

In the spirit of rebellion characteristic of those times, Splatterpunk authors, harnessing the rebellious zeitgeist, sought to jolt and challenge societal norms.

Their chosen tools? Graphic violence, explicit gore, and disturbing themes. It was nothing less than a literary insurgency, pushing the boundaries of conventional storytelling, a mirror image of the punk rock ethos of daring to defy the status quo. In other words, horror without borders.

At its core, Splatterpunk revels in pushing the boundaries of horror fiction. It thrives on unapologetic, graphic depictions of violence and gore, delving into taboo subjects while unearthing the darkest recesses of the human psyche.

While its primary aim is to shock and disturb, it also provides readers with an opportunity to confront the uncomfortable truths of human nature, society, and the human condition itself.

You can recognize a the splatterpunk subgenre by there key elements:

  • Graphic Violence: Splatterpunk literature is renowned for its unflinching, graphic descriptions of violence, leaving no detail untouched, whether it be gore, dismemberment, or bodily fluids.

  • Provocative Themes: Splatterpunk often unearths taboo subjects, such as extreme sexuality, sadism, and nihilism, wielding them as tools to challenge societal norms and to explore the darker, murkier facets of human nature.

  • Anti-Heroes: Within the pages of Splatterpunk tales, morally ambiguous or outright villainous protagonists often blur the line between good and evil, adding complexity to the narrative.

  • Transgressive Writing: Splatterpunk authors boldly defy literary conventions, employing experimental, raw, and confrontational writing styles that leave an indelible mark on the reader's psyche.

⚠️ It's important to note that Splatterpunk is intended for mature audiences.

Its content contains explicit material, graphic violence, and deeply disturbing themes. As a reader, always exercise caution and check for trigger warnings before immersing yourself in this subgenre, as the experience it offers can be both intense and profoundly unsettling.

In essence, Splatterpunk stands as a testament to the power of fiction to challenge conventions, push boundaries, and explore the darkest aspects of human nature—all while leaving a lasting impression on those daring enough to venture into its gruesome and thought-provoking narratives.


#1 Exquisite Corpse - Poppy x. Britt

"Exquisite Corpse" is a novel by Poppy Z. Brite that delves into the disturbing world of serial killers, obsession, and the dark aspects of human desire. The story revolves around two main characters, Andrew Compton and Jay Byrne, who share a gruesome fascination with death and violence.

As the story unfolds, Andrew and Jay's paths cross in New Orleans, where they become ensnared in a dark and twisted relationship. Together, they embark on a chilling journey of murder and mutilation, their actions becoming increasingly macabre as they feed their shared appetites for violence and sadism.

"Exquisite Corpse" is a harrowing exploration of the human psyche, pushing the boundaries of horror fiction with its unflinching portrayal of the darkest aspects of human nature. It is a book that ventures into deeply disturbing territory, offering readers a visceral and unsettling experience that challenges the limits of conventional storytelling.”

Notes: the author was born Melissa Ann Brite, and now goes by Billy Martin.


#2 Gone to see the river man - Kristopher Triana

“Super fans. Groupies. Stalkers.

These people will give anything for the idols they worship, be they rock stars, actor, or authors. Or even serial killers.

Lori’s obsession is with Edmund Cox, who was convicted of butchering more than twenty women. She will do anything to get close to him, so when he gives her a task, she accepts.

She has no idea of the horror that awaits her.

Edmund says she must go to his cabin in the woods and retrieve a key to deliver to a mysterious figure known only as The River Man.

She brings along her sister, and the trip becomes a surreal nightmare, one that digs up Lori’s personal demons, the ones she feels bonds her to Edmund. Soon she will learn The River Man is not quite fact or folklore, and definitely not human . . . at least not anymore.”.


#3 Billy Silver - Daniel J Volpe

“Billy Silver, a low-life, self-downtrodden junkie, needs some cash to get his next fix. After getting kicked out of his own band, Shit Fist, losing his girlfriend, and left with no other options, he decides to sell his flesh to the ink of a needle at a newly opening tattoo shop.

The mysterious artist, Talia, tattoos a cryptic design he’s never seen.

Shortly after getting inked, compulsions burn underneath his skin. His need to satisfy a newly arisen addiction to self-mutilation begins a descent into darker places than his miserable life never dared go.

Eventually, violence against himself is no longer enough to satisfy his cravings. The urge to commit the grotesque brings his brutal tendencies to others… To strangers, to acquaintances, to his prostitute ex-girlfriend…

When Billy finds out his band replaced him, with a new vocalist singing his lyrics on stage, Billy’s desires reach their peak, and Talia, behind the fire of his rage, bears witness to all.”


#4 Playground - Aron Beauregard

“Three low-income families have been given a handsome retainer to join Geraldine Borden for a day at her cliffside estate.

All the parents must do to collect the rest of their money is allow their children to test out the revolutionary playground equipment Geraldine has been working on for decades.

But there’s a reason the structures in the bowels of her gothic castle have taken so long to develop—they were never meant to see the light of day.

When a band of dysfunctional children is suddenly thrust into a diabolical realm of violence, they must grow up instantly to have a chance at survival.

Will they find a way to put their differences aside, or be swallowed up by the insidious architecture all around them?”


#5 The Slob - Aron Beauregard


Raised in a household so filthy it was stomach-spilling, Vera involuntarily evolved into a neat freak.

Upon discovering she and her disabled husband Daniel are expecting, she needs fast cash.

Her obsession with cleanliness sprouts the concept that her skills can be put to use in a unique way. She takes a stab at the booming door-to-door vacuum sales business of 1988.

All is going well until she arrives at the steps of a house that will change her forever.

The steps of an evil that resurrects the ghastly memories she so desperately tried to wash away.

Nothing will prepare you for the nastiness, disorder, and sickening horror brought forth by... The Slob.”


#6 Off Season - Jack Ketchum


A beautiful New York editor retreats to a lonely cabin on a hill in the quiet Maine beach town of Dead River―off season―awaiting her sister and friends.

Nearby, a savage human family with a taste for flesh lurks in the darkening woods, watching, waiting for the moon to rise and night to fall…

And before too many hours pass, five civilized, sophisticated people and one tired old country sheriff will learn just how primitive we all are beneath the surface…and that there are no limits at all to the will to survive.

This novel contains graphic content and is recommended for regular readers of horror novels.”


#7 - Toxic Love - Kristopher Triana

“What’s your weirdest fantasy?

Whatever it is, it can’t be more bizarre than Mike Ashbrook’s

With his life in the dumps, Mike takes a job as a crime-scene cleaner.

His biggest problem now, besides wiping up blood, guts, and other nastiness, is his new co-worker, Sage. She’s young, beautiful, and the only other employee who doesn’t quit after a week. She may also be totally insane.

Sage is not just an enigma—she’s toxic.

And now Mike’s fantasies are too!

Toxic Love is a darkly comedic and erotic nightmare from the master of blood-soaked horror, Kristopher Triana. Throughout this tale of perversion, gore, and gangsters, Triana pens powerful characters who will move you just as deeply as they’ll repulse you.”


#8 A Foreign Evil - Carver Pike

“Michael’s only in Panama for his buddy’s bachelor party vacation.

When he meets Isabelle, he thinks he’s found the perfect woman for a quick whirlwind romance, but this Latin American paradise isn't all palm trees and mojitos.

Evil lives here too, and it wants nothing more than to strip the flesh from foreigners’ bones.

Carver Pike takes ordinary circumstances, cinches them tight with razor wire, and then saws back and forth.

Gasp for air, holler for help, and pray for an end to the madness.

This is a novella and the first book in the Diablo Snuff series. Let the sick and sinister amusement begin.



#9 Plastic Monsters - Daniel J. Volpe

“Beauty is...pain

But for Pamela Rose beauty is everything. She spends every day and almost every dollar fighting a losing battle against nature. When a young coworker comes to the office with a new set of breast implants, Pam's delicate psyche begins to crack.

Doctor Joseph DiBiro used to make art from flesh and plastic, but after his release from prison the only thing he's handling is a broom. He knows he has more to give the world; he's not done creating beauty. He just needs the right patient...

As the madness unwinds, Pam and Joe find themselves performing vile acts... acts from which there's no return.

Will they save their souls or succumb to the monsters living inside of them”


#10 The Summer I died - Ryan C. Thomas

“The cult thriller novel is back in this all new edition which features the original text as it was meant to be published! Dubbed one of “The Most Intense Horror Novels” ever written by many horror review sites, The Summer I Died is the first book in the Roger Huntington saga and soon to be a major motion picture.

When Roger Huntington comes home from college for the summer and is met by his best friend, Tooth, he knows they’re going to have a good time. A summer full of beer, comic books, movies, laughs, and maybe even girls. The sun is high and the sky is clear as Roger and Tooth set out to shoot beer cans at Bobcat Mountain. Just two friends catching up on lost time, two friends thinking about their futures . . . two friends suddenly thrust into the middle of a nightmare. Forced to fight for their lives against a sadistic killer with an arsenal of razor sharp blades and a hungry dog by his side. If they are to survive, they must decide: are heroes born, or are they made? Or is something more powerful happening to them? And more importantly, how do you survive when all roads lead to death?”


#11 Survivor - JF Gonzales

“It was supposed to be a romantic weekend getaway for Lisa and Brad.

Instead, it becomes a nightmare when Lisa is kidnapped.

But her abductors aren't asking for ransom.

They want Lisa to star in a snuff film.

What they have in mind for her is horrifying. But even more horrifying is what Lisa will do to survive... and protect her unborn child.”


#12 No one rides for free - Judith Sonnet

“Jodi was driving her children to college when The Man got in their car.

Uninvited, unwanted, and unhinged...
The Man has no name, but he does have a gun... a knife... and a bag of "toys".

What starts as a forced ride into the desert escalates into a disturbing series of crimes and assaults.

Jodi and her children will soon pray for death.

To avoid dying of shock, Keep repeating

It’s only a book…

It’s only a book…

It’s only a book…”


#13 Woom - Duncan Ralston

"I believe pain lingers," Angel said.

"Do I believe in spirits? In the supernatural? Probably not.

"The Lonely Motel holds many dark secrets... and Room 6 just might possess the worst of them all.

Angel knows all about pain. His mother died in this room.

He's researched its history.

Today he's come back to end it, no matter the cost, once and for all.

Shyla, a plus-sized prostitute, thinks the stories Angel tells her can't be true.

Secrets so vile, you won't want to let them inside you.

But the Lonely Motel doesn't forget. It doesn't forgive. And it always claims its victim.”


Back to you!

Phew! That was … a lot.

I’m a big horror fan, especially anything that has to do with Gothic Horror. Ghosts vibes, please. After this article, I must say that although it is in the horror genre, Splatterpunk is deffinitely …something else.

These books made me queasy and I’m not sure I’d have the stomach to read them!

But it was fun to discover a new subgenre.

In the world of literature, Splatterpunk books stand as a unique and polarizing subgenre, born from the counterculture movements of the 1980s and 1990s. These books challenge conventions, pushing the boundaries of horror fiction by embracing graphic violence, explicit gore, and provocative themes.

While Splatterpunk may not be for the faint of heart, it's a subgenre that demands attention and introspection. Beyond the shock value, these stories often carry deeper meanings, shedding light on societal anxieties, fears, and the darkest corners of human imagination.

However, it's crucial to remember that Splatterpunk is intended for mature audiences! Before picking up a book from this subgenre, it's essential to check for trigger warnings and prepare for an experience that can be both intense and thought-provoking.

I’d like to leave you with a reminder that the power of literature lies in its ability to challenge norms, question assumptions, and provoke reflection.

Splatterpunk, in all its graphic intensity, is a testament to the limitless boundaries of storytelling, and for those willing to venture into its darkest realms, it offers a visceral and unforgettable journey into the human psyche.


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