All the Books I’ve Read this Month - October 2023


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All the Books I've Read this Month - October 2023

You know, normally, October marks the beginning of my favorite time of the year.

The leaves start to change colors, and everyone gets busy decking out their homes with Halloween decorations.

As a die-hard spooky enthusiast, this is totally my jam. Ghosts, the crisp chill in the air, and spooky vibes everywhere – it's just my thing.

But sadly, this year, it's a whole new ball game.

After moving to this itty-bitty tropical French island in the middle of the Indian Ocean, it's safe to say that spooky season has taken a rain check.

Not only do the French not really do Halloween (seriously, how?), but living on a tropical island means that autumn becomes a distant memory. No leaves turning brilliant shades. No cool, crisp weather. And definitely no pumpkin spice lattes (because putting milk in your coffee is practically a crime here, not to mention trying to add pumpkin purée). No kids running around in costumes. No spooky shenanigans.

My heart? It's pretty much in pieces.

But, I'm doing my darnedest to keep the spooky spirit alive.

Throughout the month, my nails alternate between shades of orange and black. I even attempted making my own pumpkin spice lattes from scratch, using some exotic pumpkin I found around here – let's just say it wasn't the finest hour in my culinary adventures. I've gone all out decorating the house with whatever I could scrounge up, knowing that the local stores don't exactly carry Halloween goodies. In case you're curious, yes, I've spent an unhealthy amount of time on TikTok, absorbing all those DIY decoration hacks. It's going much better than my pumpkin latte experiment. And of course, I'm binging on scary movies (currently deep into 'The Fall of the Usher House' – it's giving me life!).

But honestly, all of these efforts are fine, they get me into the spooky spirit, but nothing does it quite like immersing myself in a good book. That's how I truly get that eerie, spooky season vibe.

I'm a horror girly through and through. I've been devouring ghost stories since I could first flip through a book. So, in honor of my favorite month of the year, here's a rundown of all the books I've tackled so far. Most of them are spooky, and some are in the fantasy realm because I like to switch it up a little bit.

Here it goes!


#1 From Below - Darcy Coates

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Call me crazy, but ever since we’ve moved to the teeny tiny island, I’ve been craving some deep-sea horror books. I see the ocean literally everyday. Miles and miles of deep blue oceans stretches from the island into infinity. And every morning, as I drink my coffee and look out at the ocean, I cannot help but wonder... How deep does the water go? What kind of horror lives down there? Are they watching us?

So, instead of sharing my deep-sea intrusive thoughts with my husband (who’s terrified of the ocean btw) I decided to satisfy my dark curiosity through books.

From Below is a story about a ship called the SS Arcadia that disappeared during a routine voyage leaving behind only puzzling messages. Fast forward sixty years, the last resting place of this ship is finally found deep under the ocean. We follow Cove and her team of divers who got the green light to explore Arcadia’s rusty remains. Their plan is simple, they’ll dive down to the ship, investigate the wreckage (all while filming for a documentary) and unravel the mystery behind the vanishing act of this supposedly unsinkable ship. Easy peasy, what could possibly go wrong?

Urgh. Let me tell you, I DEVOURED this book.

The characters in this book are well constructed, and the chapters go back and forth between present time and the SS Arcadias’ past which slowly gives the reader insight into what might have happened.

But what truly gripped me in this book is the atmosphere Darcy Coates creates in these pages.

It all starts with the pacing of the book, slow and deliberate, much like the way divers move underwater. Ever so slowly.

Through the dialogues and actions, you're practically plunged into the sensory experience of diving deep into the sea. It's claustrophobic. It's dark. It's disorienting. And, above all, it's absolutely terrifying. It has it all, the lack of light, the limited visibility, the murky distances, and the constant fear of losing contact with your team. Pure chills.

Gosh, it was perfect.

Now, the ending of the book, well, it was a bit meh, I have to admit. I felt like there could've been a bit more explanation or action. But in the grand scheme of things, it didn't really matter, because you pick up this book for that slow, deep, dark, and claustrophobic vibe it so brilliantly delivers.

Now, whenever I stare at the ocean, I have a better idea of what can lurk in these waters. It’s terrifying, and I love it.


Now that I had opened the deep-sea-horror-pandora-box, I was hungry for more.

I searched through BookTok and combed through the internet for my next claustrophobic, spine-chilling read, and came to the conclusion that Into the Deep by Mira Grant was next.

I would like to preface my review by stating outright: I really didn’t like this book. It was almost a DNF for me.

First, a little bit about the plot.

A few years back, the Atargatis embarked on what seemed like an easy mission to the Mariana Trench, all in the name of creating a mockumentary about mermaids. Imagine Entertainment, renowned for its horror films, was leading the projects. However, the ship vanished mysteriously, leaving behind a bone chilling narrative and unsettling footage hinting at the existence of legendary, and potentially dangerous, sea creatures: mermaids.

Fast forward a few years, and Imagine Entertainment is back at it, this time with the Melusine, a boat driven by a different purpose - the pursuit of the truth. The crew members are not there for mere entertainment; some are seeking to validate their life's work, others yearn for the ultimate hunt, and a few are in search of answers. Among them is the determined young scientist, Victoria Stewart, who's on a quest to uncover the fate of her missing sister. As they embark on this dangerous journey, they'll dive beneath the waves, but they'll quickly realize that the ocean's secrets come at a cost.

Now, credit where it's due, the author’s writing was great. She incorporated a lot of scientific subjects and explanations which anchored the story in reality.

However, and this is the criticism I address to many horror books, is that once the monsters are revealed, things tend to go south. All that build-up of mystery, suspense, and tension that had me interested from the start? Poof, it vanished. The plot turned painfully predictable, and the action scenes lacked the oomph I was hoping for.

But that just comes down to personal preference, I guess.

If you're in search of an adult horror novel featuring menacing mermaids, this book could be your cup of tea. However, if you're seeking an eerie atmosphere, a spine-tingling plot, intense emotions, spectral apparitions, complex characters, and compelling storylines, you might want to skip this one.


#3 Payback’s a Witch - Lana Harper

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After reading two deep-sea horror books, I wanted something more cozy and witch witchy-vibes.

Payback’s a Witch by Lana Harper was the perfect autumn, cozy, small town, witch books. I just loved discovering the magical town of Thistle Grove and its habitants.

In this book, we follow Emmy Harlow, a witch that has decided to live her own life and left the the magical town of Thistle Grove to move to Chicago - losing her magical powers in the process.

Many years later, a spellcasting tournament that her family serves as arbiters for approaches, and under the pressure of tradition, Emmy decides to go back.

On her first night back, she runs into two old friends who are looking for revenge. Now, the only questions is, will Emmy join them?

This is the perfect book for you if you’re looking for an easy cozy autumn read that introduces you to a magical world with interesting characters and some witchy action.


I wanted to love this book, but it was an absolute bore.


Newlyweds Tricia and Ethan are going to visit a remote manor... in the middle of a snowstorm. They get snowed in and forced to stay the night in this dusty, big, and creepy house that once belonged to Dr. Adrienne Hale a psychiatrist who mysteriously disappeared a few years back. As they settle in, Tricia cannot shake off the feeling that they're not alone in this big house.


Gosh, where to begin? I first heard about this book on BookTok from creators who were saying that this book was mind-blowing, creepy, and just full of delicious twists and turns. And so, I was influenced. What a mistake.

I could not wait for this book to be over.

The writing was basic at best. There was so much repetition as if the author feared we'd miss the red herring the first 100 times.

The characters were shallow and uninteresting.

And the twists and turns so many booktok-ers were raving about? Painfully obvious. You could see them coming for miles ahead.

Also, I think this could have been pulled off if it had been written in the third person. But seeing as the author chose to use first person, most of the plot twists don't make sense.


I was so annoyed that the female character *whose big dark secret is that she's pregnant. SHOCKER* kept acting as if it was her fault that she was pregnant. Because men have nothing to do with this matter, right? Urgh, can we change this narrative already?


#5 - How Does It Feel? - Jeneane O’Riley

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A forbidden obsession

Unyielding family allegiance

Three deadly challenges


When a trip into the forest to collect a rare mushroom goes horribly wrong, I find myself falling through a fairy portal and straight into the arms of the Unseelie Fae prince. The dangerously unhinged and handsome Unseelie Fae prince.

What could be more horrible than that? He thinks I'm an assassin sent by the humans to kill him, not a biologist.

Determined to kill me first, and rid himself of the human he has unwillingly grown obsessed with, yet also needing to entertain his people, the villain challenges me to three deadly trials.

If I survive, I gain my freedom. But if not...

The Fae.

I've never felt anything but hate and loathing until my eyes found hers--the vile human assassin's. She is a parasite that has mercilessly latched onto my mind and won't let me free.

My hand itches to be ungloved and feel her smooth skin, even though I would never. The Unseelie Fae royals would rather burn than touch a repulsive human.

I fear that if I do not destroy the girl soon, she may be the only thing that's capable of truly destroying me.


#6 - Mexican Gothic - Silvia Moreno-Garcia

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After receiving a frantic letter from her newly-wed cousin begging for someone to save her from a mysterious doom, Noemí Taboada heads to High Place, a distant house in the Mexican countryside. She’s not sure what she will find—her cousin’s husband, a handsome Englishman, is a stranger, and Noemí knows little about the region.   
Noemí is also an unlikely rescuer: She’s a glamorous debutante, and her chic gowns and perfect red lipstick are more suited for cocktail parties than amateur sleuthing. But she’s also tough and smart, with an indomitable will, and she is not afraid: Not of her cousin’s new husband, who is both menacing and alluring; not of his father, the ancient patriarch who seems to be fascinated by Noemí; and not even of the house itself, which begins to invade Noemi’s dreams with visions of blood and doom.
Her only ally in this inhospitable abode is the family’s youngest son. Shy and gentle, he seems to want to help Noemí, but might also be hiding dark knowledge of his family’s past. For there are many secrets behind the walls of High Place. The family’s once colossal wealth and faded mining empire kept them from prying eyes, but as Noemí digs deeper she unearths stories of violence and madness. 
And Noemí, mesmerized by the terrifying yet seductive world of High Place, may soon find it impossible to ever leave this enigmatic house behind.


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