Best Dramione Fanfiction For When You Just Can’t Get Enough of Hermione and Draco Falling in Love


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Best Dramione Fanfics for when you just can’t get enough of Hermione and Draco falling in love

In the world of Harry Potter, there were couples we all rooted for, but one didn't quite feel right - Hermione and Ron. Their love story, as told in the books and movies, felt like it was missing something important. For me, it just didn't click.

Then, I stumbled into a whole new world: fan fiction.

Among these stories, especially the ones about Hermione and Draco - called Dramione - I found what my heart had been yearning for.

These tales painted a different picture, where Hermione and Draco, who were never a couple in the original series, shared an unexpected and fascinating bond - and it is everything I’ve ever wished for.

If you're here, chances are you've felt that same pull towards the idea of Hermione and Draco together.

Their complicated relationship in the books got us thinking: what if there was more to their story?

In this article, you’ll find the best Dramione fan fictions out there.

It's for those of us who couldn't shake the feeling that Hermione and Draco might've had something special.

These stories take us on a journey, exploring their love in ways the original books didn't.

But I must warn you, once you dive into the beautiful world of Dramione, there is no way out. You will be left wondering how many times can you read about two characters falling in love over and over again before finally having had enough?

The answer… never.

Join me as we dive into this world of fan-created tales, where Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy find a different kind of magic together.

Get ready to laugh, cry, and swoon as Hermione and Draco navigate a world of unexpected romance in these captivating fanfictions.

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️ Be smart, don’t give yourself book-trauma. Always make sure to check out the trigger warnings (and take them seriously!) before jumping into these stories!


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#1. Manacled - SenLinYu

Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret, lost but hidden in her mind, so she is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve until her mind can be cracked.

Illustrated by Avendell.

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#2. The Auction - LovesBitca8

In the wake of the Dark Lord’s triumph over Harry Potter, the defeated must learn their new place. Hermione Granger, former Golden Girl, has been captured and reduced to human chattel. Sold to the highest bidder as the top prize at an auction of Order members and sympathizers, she is thrust into the rabid, waiting hands of the Death Eaters. But despite the horrors of Voldemort’s new world, help—and hope—seem to arise from the most unlikely of places.

PART 3 of the RIGHTS AND WRONGS series.


#3. Remain Nameless - Hey Jude19

How did it feel? It felt like he was barely holding it together. She, of all people, should shun him. Or yell at him. Curse him. Spit at him. Take out her wand and blast him off the face of the earth. It was crushing guilt and relief and confusion all at once when he looked at Hermione Granger.
The monotony of Draco’s daily routine had become both a lifeline and a noose. But this new habit of grabbing coffee with Hermione Granger is quickly becoming a reason to get out of bed and is unfortunately forcing him to re-evaluate his inconsequential existence.
Hermione is living her life in fragments, separate pieces scattered about, and she can’t find a way to step back and let the full picture form. Why are morning meetings with Draco Malfoy the only thing that make sense anymore?


#4. Meet your Match - Morriganmercy

After the war, Draco Malfoy seeks refuge from infamy in the Muggle world. A friendly Muggle couple takes him under their wing, but there’s a problem: they are intent on setting him up with their best friend, Hermione Granger.

Or, in which the Muggle friends Hermione Granger undoubtedly would have had will not take no for an answer.


#5. The Right Thing to Do - LovesBitca8

Hermione felt the pounding in her ears again. She would see him for the first time since the Great Hall, gaunt and stricken at the Slytherin table with his mother clutching his arm. She hadn't meant to look for him. Not in the corridors, not beneath the white sheets of the fallen, not on the way to the Chamber of Secrets with Ron, but she was a stupid girl.


#6. Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love - Isthisselfcare

Hermione straddles the Muggle and Magical worlds as a medical researcher and Healer about to make a big discovery. Draco is an Auror assigned to protect her from forces unknown – to both of their displeasure.

Features hyper-competent, fiery Hermione and lazy, yet dangerous, Draco. Slow burn.


#7. Breath Mints, Battle Scars - Onyx_and_Elm

For a moment, she's almost giddy. Because Draco Malfoy's been ruined by this war and he's as out of place as she is and — yes, he has scars too. He's got an even bigger one. She wonders whether one day they'll compare sizes.


#8. Wait and Hope - Mightbewriting

“Harry,” Hermione began, voice very controlled, but she could feel the blade of panic slicing at her vocal cords. “Why was Draco Malfoy just screaming bloody murder about his,” and the word almost strangled her as she said it, “wife?”

Harry's green eyes blew wide. Healer Lucas pinched the bridge of her nose, clearly displeased with the recent series of events.

“He was referring to you, my dear,” she said. “That was the other question you got wrong. Your name is Hermione Jean Granger-Malfoy.”

Hermione had to be sedated again.

[In which Hermione loses the last six year's worth of her memories, including the entirety of her relationship and marriage to Draco.]


#9. Lumos & Lattes - Bana_Bhuidseach, Magicalmolly

After The Battle of Hogwarts Draco Malfoy went into hiding, fleeing trial. 10 years later he's found and sentenced to exile. He takes to wandering the Edinburgh streets feeling hopeless and alone. One cold October night he wanders into a small coffee shop that just so happens to be owned by Hermione Granger, who disappeared from the Wizarding World shortly after the war, choosing to live off the grid in the muggle world.

Hermione isn't ready to forgive him, but Draco is ready to change. The two form an unlikely friendship that slowly blossoms into something more. But when a poisoning plot of supposed vigilantes who aren't too happy about a former Death Eater walking free starts to threaten the quiet life they've built together, Hermione and Draco must call upon friends old and new to help them.

Notes: Despite the cozy coffeehouse setting this is NOT a fluff fic. This is an exploration of trauma. Hermione is full of (rightfully earned) female rage.


#10. Love and Other Historical Accidents - PacificRimbaud

Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy never intended to blow up their life's work, but that's rather what they've gone and done. Now they're trapped 200 years in the past, with a broken Time Turner, a missing snuff box, a handful of overly-eligible daughters, and a House-elf in a cable knit cardigan. It will require the combined power of their keen intellects to get them home, if they'd stop arguing long enough to use them.
As it turns out, history is just one damned accident after another.

For fans of Harry Potter, Jane Austen, and Connie Willis, a historical romantic comedy all about time, and getting the hell out of it.


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